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Fiesta 2019 Pictures

Winner of 2019 Clarinet Fiesta takes picture with Artists.

Clarinet Fiesta Winner

Texas State student Kristen Hutchins displays newly won clarinet with Buffet Crampon artists.
Buffet Crampon Exhibition table.
Buffet Crampon Exhibition table.
Richard MacDowell gives a lesson about reed care during his masterclass.

Richard MacDowell's masterclass

Richard MacDowell gives a lesson about reed care during his masterclass.
Texas State student Amy Gravell performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.

Gregory Raden's masterclass

Texas State student Amy Gravell performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.
Texas State student Brittnay Hernandez performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.

Gregory Raden's masterclass

Texas State student Brittnay Hernandez performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.
Texas State student Jackelyn Pecero performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.

Gregory Raden's masterclass

Texas State student Jackelyn Pecero performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.
Texas State student Hugh Pauwels performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.

Gregory Raden's masterclass

Texas State student Hugh Pauwels performs during Gregory Raden's masterclass.
Texas State student Vikas Chopra performs during Richard MacDowell's masterclass.

Richard MacDowell's masterclass

Texas State student Vikas Chopra performs during Richard MacDowell's masterclass.
Texas State student Noah Ornelas performs during Richard MacDowell's masterclass.

Richard MacDowell's masterclass.

Texas State student Noah Ornelas chats with Richard MacDowell after performing.
Students Amy Gravell and Noah Ornelas smile with alumn Bethany Lee during the final performance.

Fiesta final performance

Students Amy Gravell and Noah Ornelas smile with alumni Bethany Lee during the final performance.
Texas State alumni Bethany Lee with Mitchell Estrin after the fiesta final performance.

Fiesta final performance

Texas State alumni Bethany Lee with Mitchell Estrin after the final performance.
Gala Recital
Gala Recital
Guest Artists
Buffet Clarinet Winner
Buffet Crampon Table