David Catchpole

David Catchpole is a Lecturer in Musicology at Texas State University and a Ph.D. candidate in Historical Musicology at New York University. He also serves as a Trustee on the board of the Dvořák American Heritage Association.
David’s dissertation focuses on the role of symphonic radio broadcasts in shaping ideas of citizenship and belonging in the United States during the first half of the twentieth century. His dissertation research has been supported by the Margery Lowens Dissertation Research Fellowship from the Society for American Music. He has written program notes for the BBC Proms and Austin Cantorum and presented papers at conferences across the United States and internationally, including the Society for American Music annual meeting.
The topics David works on encompass a range of areas, including radio, music and identity formation, twentieth-century opera, Habsburg culture and music around the fin-de-siècle, and Czech-American musical culture in the early twentieth century. His research has been supported by a travel subvention from the American Musicological Society.
David received a Master of Music degree from Texas State University. While at Texas State, David received the 2017-2018 Outstanding Graduate Student Award from the College of Fine Arts and Communications. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music History and Literature from Youngstown State University.