Undergraduate Audition Requirements
Admission is based on the applicants audition and the available space in each studio. A successful audition does not automatically ensure acceptance to the University or the School of Music.
If you have specific repertoire questions that are not answered by the information below, contact the faculty member indicated in the information for your instrument/voice part.
Media Only Applicants - students who reside out-of-state/internationally
Requirements for your video(s):
Announce your name and the title of your piece(s) clearly and slowly enough to be heard and understood.
Face the camera as you would face an audience with it far enough away from you so that the audition panel has a full body view.
Video should be recorded in a neutral room (preferably in your school rehearsal room, but a living room or private lesson instructor's studio is acceptable).
Videos recorded in bedrooms, bathrooms, or cars are NOT acceptable
Make sure the lighting in the room is bright enough for the panel to see you clearly.
Dress in the way that you would for a job interview in an office, or how you might dress to attend a special school event.
Before uploading your video, watch your video with a critical eye and ear, remembering that this video will determine if you are accepted into the School of Music. Listen carefully to all aspects of your performance so that you present us with your best performance. While a professional video is not necessary, your performance and presentation should be as professional as you can make it.
Classical Degree Audition Requirements
- All applicants, regardless of major, must perform the required audition materials (see below) for a faculty committee based on your instrument or voice part.
- Vocalists, regardless of major, must submit a pre-screen video(s) based on your admission type (music freshman = no college level lessons or music transfer = has college level lessons) by the deadline provided on the Becoming a Music Major page. A decision as to whether you will be invited to our live auditions on the date that you selected will be made as soon as possible after your application is submitted and reviewed.
- Music Studies (all concentrations) applicants must submit a 250-500 word written statement answering the question "Why do you want to teach music?" with your application by the deadline provided on the Becoming a Music Major page. This statement will be used to determine your current writing skills and potential success in the Music Studies degree program should you be accepted into the degree plan.
- SRT applicants must submit a SRT based on the SRT video requirements to be considered for this degree program. You must submit your application by the deadline provided on the Becoming a Music Major page. A decision as to whether you will be invited to interview the day of our live auditions will be made as soon as possible after your application is submitted and reviewed.
- Note, if you are a SRT applicant whose primary musical area is voice, you must submit two separate pre-screen videos (one for the SRT program and one for the voice faculty).
Scales: All major scales played all eighth notes, slurred two octaves, with equal rhythm throughout and memorized (suggested minimum tempo: quarter note = 88).
Solos/Etudes: Solos are the preferred audition repertoire. Prepare two contrasting solos (three to four minutes per solo) from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods. Solos prepared should be comparable to the Class I list (UIL) or the "Virtuoso" list. Solos from Twenty-four Short Concert Pieces, edited by R. Vavally, published by Southern Music Co. are acceptable; however, if one of these is chosen, a technical etude or solo should be prepared as the second work.
- Suggested choices include:
- Mozart Concerti
- Handel Sonatas
- Bach Sonatas
- Telemann Sonatas or Fantasies
- Fauré Fantasy
- Chaminade Concertino
- Enesco Cantible et Presto
- Molique Andante
- Reinecke Ballade
- Poulenc Sonata
- Honegger Danse de la Chèvre
Although solo material is preferred, students may perform one solo and one etude of contrasting styles or two etudes of contrasting style, tempo, and key. Suggested etudes are selected from Melodious and Progressive Studies Book 1, Selected Studies (ed. Voxman), Flute Etudes Book (Clardy), Andersen Twenty-four Etudes Op. 33, or etudes of similar level.
Sight-reading: Required. Students should be prepared to sight-read two short excerpts with different keys, tempi, and time signatures.
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: Memorization is not required. A thorough repertoire list of etudes, solos, and chamber music (trios, quartets, flute choir, etc.) studied and/or performed should be included as an upload on the online application. This list is in addition to the required resume upload. It is recommended that prospective students contact Dr. Adah Jones (am10@txstate.edu) prior to the audition date to discuss repertoire choices and other details. Please refer to the flute website, www.txstateflutes.com for more information.
- Suggested choices include:
Scales: All 12 major scales, two octaves, memorized.
Solo: Two contrasting movements or works.
Etude: Two contrasting etudes from either Barret “40 Progressive Melodies” or Ferling “48 Etudes.”
Sight-reading: Not required.
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the oboe studio, contact Dr. Ian Davidson (id02@txstate.edu).
Scales: All major and minor (melodic only) in two octaves, Circle of Fifths after Klose with different articulations (legato, tenuto, and staccato).
Etudes/Solos: Students should prepare 10 - 15 minutes of music. Solo repertoire pieces from the Texas UIL Prescribed Music List are preferred.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: Memorization is not required. Auditions are restricted to B-flat and/or A soprano clarinet. There is no degree plan for bass clarinet. Clarinetists may perform bass clarinet in addition to their Bb or A clarinet in clarinet choir, band, or orchestra ensembles. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the clarinet studio, contact Dr. Vanguel Tangarov (vt12@txstate.edu).
Scales: All 12 major scales.
Solos/Etudes: Two contrasting (fast and slow) pieces from standard bassoon solo or etude repertoire.
Sight-reading: Required.
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the bassoon studio, contact Mrs. Daris Hale (dh40@txstate.edu).
Auditions may occur on any of the following saxophones:
- Alto
- Tenor
- Baritone
Scales: Refer to "Daily Studies" by Trent Kynaston for proper scale format. All full range major scales from memory (play as high into the palm keys and as low for each key as is possible) performed slurred in sixteenth notes at a tempo of quarter note = 86.
Etudes/Solos: Perform TWO contrasting movements from a UIL Class I solo OR TWO contrasting etudes from 48 Etudes by Ferling.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required for "in-person" auditions at Texas State. Required for video audition submissions which are ONLY allowed in special approved cases.
Other: Brief interview regarding career goals and aspirations. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the saxophone studio, contact Dr. Todd Oxford (wo10@txstate.edu).
Note: Note: Saxophone students admitted into the School of Music should invest in a Professional Line Instrument. Consult with Dr. Oxford prior to the audition or during the first semester of study.
Scales: Students must play all major and chromatic scales (two octaves if possible).
Etudes/Solos: Students must perform excerpts from contrasting movements of ONE Class I solo from the Texas UIL Prescribed Music List or TWO etudes (one slow and one fast).
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the trumpet studio, contact Dr. Keith Winking (kw09@txstate.edu).
Scales: All major scales (memorized), two octaves, tongued, and any tempo. Students will not be required to play all 12 major scales, but should have all prepared. Typically, students are asked to perform 2 - 4 major scales during the audition.
Etudes: Choose comparable to Kopprasch number 22, mm. 1 - 10 only, with a tempo of eighth note = 60 - 72, not memorized; Composed by C. Kopprasch. Brass - French Horn Method or Collection; Masterworks. Kalmus Edition. Studies and Technique. Instructional book. 46 pages. Published by Kalmus Classic Edition (AP.K04527).
Solos: Choose comparable to Concerto No. 1 (K. 412) in D Major, 1st movement only (any edition). Make sure the edition you select is in the original key of D Major - 3 sharps in the horn part.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the trumpet studio, contact Dr. Caroline Steiger (cns113@txstate.edu).
Scales: All Major scales, two octaves from memory.
Etudes: ONE technical etude and ONE lyrical etude from the following.
- Tenor
- Voxman: Selected Studies (technical)
- Blazevich/Fink: Advanced Musical Etudes (technical)
- Bordogni/Rochut: Melodius Etudes (lyrical)
- Bass
- Grigoriev: 24 Studies (technical)
- Knaub: Pi a la Bone Technical Studies (technical)
- Bordogni/Rochut: Melodius Etudes (lyrical: as written and down an octave).
Solos: A solo of the applicant's choosing that demonstrates both lyrical and technical ability. Examples include:
- Tenor
- Saint-Saens: Cavatine
- Guilmant: Morceau Symphonique, Op. 88
- Barat: Andante et Allegro
- Bass
- Lebedev: Concerto No. 1
- Jacob: Cameos
- McCarty: Sonata
Sight-reading: Required for all applicants.
Accompanist: Not required, but students may bring their personal accompanist if they wish.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the trombone studio, contact Dr. Billy Gayman (goq15@txstate.edu).
- Tenor
Euphonium & Tuba
Scales: All scales are to be performed two octaves, tongued up and down in an eighth note pattern at a minimum tempo of quarter note = 92. Students must be prepared to play all 12 Major scales.
Etudes: TWO etudes of contrasting style may be selected from the following (memorization not required).
- Euphonium
- Arban - 14 Characteristic Studies
- Bousquet - 36 Celebrated Studies
- Voxman - Selected Studies for Baritone
- Tuba
- Blazevich - 70 Studies, Vol. I or Vol. II
- Grigoriev - 78 Studies for Tuba
- Kopprasch - 60 Selected Studies
- Tyrell - 40 Advanced Studies
- Vasiliev - 24 Melodious Etudes
Solos: ONE solo, memorization not required.
- Euphonium
- J. E. Barat - Andante et Allegro OR Introduction and Dance
- Capuzzi - Andante and Rondo
- Clinard - Sonata, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- DeLuca - Beautiful Colorado
- Guilmant - Morceau Symphonique
- Haddad - Suite for Baritone, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- Hutchison - Sonatina, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- Tuba
- Arnold - Fantasy
- Barat - Introduction and Dance
- Beversdorf - Sonata, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- Frackenpohl - Concertino, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- Haddad - Suite for Tuba, play 2 mvmts, your choice
- Vaughan - Concertpiece No. 1
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the low brass studio, contact Mr. Raul Rodriguez (rr13@txstate.edu).
- Euphonium
Percussionists applying for the SRT degree plan may audition on classical percussion instruments (see below) or on Drum Set only (see the Drum Set - SRT Only tab under the Jazz Degree Audition Requirements).
Note: If a student completes a classical percussion audition and is accepted into the SRT program, their applied lessons will be exclusively on Drum Set. We recommend you contact Mr. Arthur Latin (see Drum Set - SRT Only below) for resources/guidance before the semester begins.
- ONE concert snare drum etude (memorization not required) from the book of the students choosing.
- ONE rudimental snare drum solo (memorization not required) of the students choosing.
- ONE 2 mallet etude or solo of the students choosing (memorization is not required).
- A 4 mallet etude or solo of the students choosing is optional.
Sight-reading: For BA, BM - Music Studies, and BM - Performance (classical) majors - Required on snare drum AND marimba.
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the percussion studio, contact Mr. Genaro Gonzalez (gg11@txstate.edu).
Scales: One to two scales will be chosen from all three-octave scales.
Solos: TWO contrasting works chosen from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods. ONE piece should be slow and lyrical and ONE should be faster and technical. Two separate movements from the same piece will not be accepted.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the violin studio, contact Dr. Lynn Ledbetter (ll09@txstate.edu).
Scales: One to two, three-octave scales of the student's choice at quarter note = 60 bpm or faster will be required.
Solos: TWO works (or movements of works) from different styles and historical periods.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the viola studio, contact Dr. Ames Asbell (sa22@txstate.edu).
Scales: ONE three or four octave scale of the student's choice.
Solos: TWO contrasting works chosen from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods. ONE piece should be slow and lyrical and ONE should be faster and technical. Two separate movements from the same piece will not be accepted.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the cello studio, contact Dr. Karla Hamelin (kmh119@txstate.edu).
Double Bass
Scales: A two or three octave scale of the student's choice.
Solos: Two works (or movements of works) showcasing contrasting styles and time periods. One piece should be a solo (such as a movement of a sonata, concerto, or suite or a character piece). For the second piece, you have the option of performing another solo in contrasting style, an orchestral excerpt, or a contemporary work, which could include a piece outside of standard classical repertoire.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: Please make selections that you feel represent yourself well as a musician. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the double bass studio, contact Ms. Andrea Beyer (andrea.beyer@txstate.edu).
Electric Bass (SRT Only)
Scales: TWO, two-octave major scales up to 4 sharps and 4 flats will be requested.Solos: TWO contrasting solos.
Sight-reading: Required
Accompanist: Not required, nor provided.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the double bass studio, contact Dr. Utah Hamrick (ulh1@txstate.edu).
Keyboard (BM - Performance Majors)
Solos: THREE contrasting works (one being a sonata) chosen from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic and Contemporary periods.
Sight-reading: Will be required.
Other: Memorization is required for all students applying to any degree program on piano. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the keyboard studio, contact Dr. Jason Kwak (jk45@txstate.edu).
Keyboard (BA and SRT Majors)
Solos: TWO contrasting works chosen from the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Impressionistic and Contemporary periods.
Sight-reading: Will be required.
Other: Memorization is required for all students applying to any degree program on piano. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the keyboard studio, contact Dr. Jason Kwak (jk45@txstate.edu).
Scales: Two Octave Scales - First Position: E Major, F Major, G Major, e minor, and g minor. Three Octave Scales: E Major, F Major F# Major, and G Major.
Etudes and/or Solos: TWO contrasting pieces, memorized, from the following list or any piece comparable.
- Etudes
- Segovia - Twenty Studies for the Guitar by Fernando Sor – select one
- Matteo Carcassi - Twenty-five Melodic Etudes, Op. 60 – select one
- Leo Brouwer - Estudios Sencillos – select one
- Solos
- Rosita, Maria, or Lágrima by F. Tárrega
- Suite in D Minor by R. de Visée – select one movement
- Prelude No. 3 by H. Villa-Lobos
- Aria by J. A. Jogy
- Ojos Brulos by L. Brouwer
- Cancion de Cuna by L. Brouwer
- Un Dia de Noviembre by Leo Brouwer
- Julia Florida by A. Barrios
- Vals Op. 8, No. 4 by A. Barrios
- Sounds of Bells by J. Guimaraes
- Cello Suite No. 1 BWV 1007 by J. S Bach – select one movement
- Pavana by G. Sanz
- Castles of Spain by F. M. Torroba – select one movement
- Suite Castellana by F. M. Torroba – select one movement
- Prelude No. 1 by M. Ponce
- Sonatinette by J. Duarte – select one movement
- Sonata K. 11 by D. Scarlatti
- Capricho Árabe by F. Tárrega
- Passacaglia by S. L Weiss
- Fantasie by S. L Weiss
- Six Pavans by L. Milan – select one
- Fantasia X by A. Mudarra
- Guardame Las Vacas by L. Narvaez
- Vals Venezolanos by A. Lauro – select one
Sight-reading: Minimum requirement consists of single lines, easy rhythms. Levels will vary according to player’s ability.
Other: Nylon string instruments preferred for audition.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the guitar studio, contact Mr. Mark Cruz (mc39@txstate.edu). - Etudes
Guitar (SRT - non-classical)
Sound Recording Technology (SRT) applicants with no classical background may audition on a steel string guitar or electric guitar.
Songs: Perform TWO selections from the following options:
- A cover tune
- An original song
- A jazz chord melody
- Improvisation over blues
- A jazz standard (we will provide accompaniment in your preferred key)
- A fingerstyle piece
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the guitar studio, contact Mr. Mark Cruz (mc39@txstate.edu).
Vocalists (Music Freshmen - no college lessons)
PRE-SCREEN PROCESS: Submit a video upload of ONE song (memorized) on your Acceptd application media tab that is considered a Texas UIL Grade 1 Solo on the Prescribed Music List for your voice type. Once on the site, click on Visit the Prescribed Music List, then choose Grade 1 in the drop down menu, and lastly find your voice type under the Event Code drop down menu. Your upload must be submitted by the deadline for your selected audition date (see https://www.music.txstate.edu/prospectivestudents/BecomingaMusicMajor.html). The faculty will review your submission and you will be notified via Acceptd as soon as possible after your submission is received if you will be invited to our live auditions on your selected date.
Requirements for submission of a pre-screening video for the Texas State Voice Area
Announce your name and the title of your piece clearly and slowly enough to be heard and understood.
The selection that you present must be memorized
Your performance should preferably be with live piano accompaniment. If live accompaniment is not possible, the playback that you use must be played through a loud speaker – with a volume level such that the audition panel can hear it clearly without disturbing the quality of the voice recording
You should stand in front - or just to the side - of the piano
The camera must be far enough away from you so that the audition panel has a full body view.
Video should be recorded in a neutral room (preferably in your school choir room, but living room or voice teacher’s studio is acceptable)
Videos recorded in bedrooms, bathrooms, or cars are NOT acceptable
Make sure the lighting in the room is bright enough for the panel to see you clearly
Face the camera as you would face an audience
Dress in the way that you would for a job interview in an office, or how you might dress to attend a special school event.
Sing expressively
Before you submit your video:
Watch your video with a critical eye and ear, remembering that this video will determine if you get a live audition. Avoid the mistake of thinking, "It's only a prescreen video..." Treat this like a live audition. Listen carefully to your intonation. You want to present us with your best performance so that we are interested in hearing more. While a professional video is not necessary, your performance and presentation should be as professional as you can make it.
TWO MEMORIZED SELECTIONS. These songs should represent contrasting styles chosen from early Italian, 19th and 20th century art songs, and folk songs. No country, pop or jazz music is allowed. All selections may be sung in English; foreign language selections are welcome. Although it is good for you to have had some foreign language experience, it is not required that freshman applicants sing in a foreign language in the audition. Note: Your pre-screen selection may be one of the selections you sing for your live audition.
Sight-reading: Not required, however, you will be vocalized to establish your range, pitch matching, and aural retention skills.
Accompanist: An in-person accompanist is required and provided by the School of Music. Please bring a copy of the sheet music for all pieces in the proper keys to the audition to share with the accompanist that is provided. You will have a chance to briefly work with the accompanist prior to your audition. Singing a cappella, performing to pre-recorded music or taped accompaniment is not allowed!!! You may bring your own accompanist if you choose.
NOTE: Because the vocal instrument of students auditioning at the freshman level is usually in the elementary stages of growth and development, the particular selections presented in this audition are only important in how well they show evidence of the following: freedom, pleasantness and naturalness of quality, and production technique; range, extensity and intensity potential; and musical, expressive-communicative possibilities. Previous musical experiences, such as school musicals, choral singing, community theatre etc. are essential, and previous study on an instrument, especially piano, is desirable. The distinction between the BM in Performance (Vocal) degree and a non-performance degree (BM Music Studies (Choral), BA Music, and Sound Recording Technology) is based not on the difficulty of the repertory presented, but in the potential of success in the chosen Degree Program as perceived by the Faculty.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the voice area, contact contact Prof. Daveda Karanas (dkb113@txstate.edu)
Vocalists (Music Transfers - college lessons)
PRE-SCREEN PROCESS: Submit a video upload of TWO songs (memorized) on your Accepted application media tab that is considered a Texas UIL Grade 1 Solo on the Prescribed Music List for your voice type. Once on the site, click on Visit the Prescribed Music List, then choose Grade 1 in the drop down menu, and lastly find your voice type under the Event Code drop down menu. Your upload must be submitted by the deadline for your selected audition date (see https://www.music.txstate.edu/prospectivestudents/BecomingaMusicMajor.html). The faculty will review your submission and you will be notified via Acceptd as soon as possible after your submission if you have been invited to our live auditions on your selected date.
Requirements for submission of a pre-screening video for the Texas State Voice Area
Announce your name and the title of your pieces clearly and slowly enough to be heard and understood.
The selections that you present must be memorized
Your performance should preferably be with live piano accompaniment. If live accompaniment is not possible, the playback that you use must be played through a loud speaker – with a volume level such that the audition panel can hear it clearly without disturbing the quality of the voice recording
You should stand in front - or just to the side - of the piano
The camera must be far enough away from you so that the audition panel has a full body view.
Video should be recorded in a neutral room (preferably in your school choir room, but living room or voice teacher’s studio is acceptable)
Videos recorded in bedrooms, bathrooms, or cars are NOT acceptable
Make sure the lighting in the room is bright enough for the panel to see you clearly
Face the camera as you would face an audience
Dress in the way that you would for a job interview in an office, or how you might dress to attend a special school event.
Sing expressively
Before you submit your video:
Watch your video with a critical eye and ear, remembering that this video will determine if you get a live audition. Avoid the mistake of thinking, "It's only a prescreen video..." Treat this like a live audition. Listen carefully to your intonation. You want to present us with your best performance so that we are interested in hearing more. While a professional video is not necessary, your performance and presentation should be as professional as you can make it.
FOUR MEMORIZED SELECTIONS. These songs must represent contrasting styles chosen from early Italian, 19th and 20th century art songs, and folk songs and include at least one foreign language piece as well as one English piece. One selection may be an operatic or oratorio aria. Note: Your pre-screen selections may be ones you sing for your live audition.
Sight-reading: Not required, however, you will be vocalized to establish your range, pitch matching, and aural retention skills.
Accompanist: An in-person accompanist is required and provided by the School of Music. Please bring a copy of the sheet music for all pieces in the proper keys to the audition to share with the accompanist that is provided. You will have a chance to briefly work with the accompanist prior to your audition. Singing a cappella, performing to pre-recorded music or taped accompaniment is not allowed!!! You may bring your own accompanist if you choose.
NOTE: The distinction between the BM in Performance (Vocal) degree and a non-performance degree (BM Music Studies (Choral), BA Music, and Sound Recording Technology) is based not on the difficulty of the repertory presented, but in the potential of success in the chosen Degree Program as perceived by the Faculty. It is recommended that you perform art songs such as those found in the G. Schirmer Anthology of Italian Songs of the 17th and 18th Centuries; Witmark's Pathways of Song; Boosey and Hawkes' Echo on Temps Passe (edited by J.B. Weckerlin); and Presser's German Art Songs (edited by Taylor). Folk songs, especially those arranged for piano and voice by composers such as Britten, Copland, and Quilter, are acceptable.
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements or the voice area, contact contact Prof. Daveda Karanas (dkb113@txstate.edu).
Mariachi Degree Audition Requirements
BM - Music Studies, Mariachi
- For students wanting a concentration in mariachi music education instruction leading to jobs as mariachi educators.
- Must sing and play the required audition materials for the Latin Music Studies faculty committee
- Must submit a 250-500 word written statement answering the question "Why do you want to teach music?" with your application by the submission deadline. This statement will be used to determine your current writing skills should you be accepted into the degree plan.
BM - Music Studies, Choral - Mariachi
- For students wanting a balance of classical and mariachi vocal and music education instruction leading to jobs as either classical or mariachi educators.
- Must sing and play the required audition materials for the Latin Music Studies faculty committee
- Must submit a 250-500 word written statement answering the question "Why do you want to teach music?" with your application by the submission deadline. This statement will be used to determine your current writing skills should you be accepted into the degree plan.
Jazz Degree Audition Requirements
- Must play the required audition materials (see below) for the jazz faculty committee. No classical audition is required.
- Electric bass students may audition/be accepted on this instrument. However, once at Texas State, you will be required to transition to Double Bass.
Scales: Students should have prepared all Major scales and arpeggios.
- Play the MELODY to either Anthropology or Donna Lee (available in the Charlie Parker Omnibook)
- IMPROVISE over the following tunes (backing tracks will be provided at the audition):
- Billie's Bounce (Aebersold, Vol. 6, Track 1), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
- There Will Never Be Another You (Abersold, Vol. 15, Track 2), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
Sight-reading: Required
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If available, the prospective student will have an opportunity to demonstrate the above skills in a performance situation with either a large or small jazz ensemble. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, contact Tito Carrillo (titocarrillo@txstate.edu).
Scales: Students should have prepared all Major scales and arpeggios.
- Play the MELODY to either Anthropology or Donna Lee (available in the Charlie Parker Omnibook)
- IMPROVISE over the following tunes (backing tracks will be provided at the audition):
- Billie's Bounce (Aebersold, Vol. 6, Track 1), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
- There Will Never Be Another You (Abersold, Vol. 15, Track 2), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
Sight-reading: Required
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If available, the prospective student will have an opportunity to demonstrate the above skills in a performance situation with either a large or small jazz ensemble. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, contact Joel Frahm (jfrahmsax@txstate.edu).
Scales: Students should have prepared all Major and minor (Aeolian) and Major pentatonic scales. Scales must be performed in eighth notes with arpeggios at the end at a tempo of 70 - 80 bpm (no arpeggios for the pentatonic scales).
Etudes: Have ready to perform etudes that demonstrate medium-up tempo swing, Latin, and ballad styles (ex. Jim Snidero books, "Freddy the Freeloader" by Miles Davis, or "Minor Blues" by JJ Johnson - the Miles and JJ solos are transcribed on YouTube). Note, performing the All-State Jazz etudes is not recommended.
Solos/Improvisation: Be able to demonstrate improvisation on various styles of jazz standards including:
- Playing the MELODY to either Anthropology or Donna Lee (available in the Charlie Parker Omnibook)
- IMPROVISING over the following tunes (backing tracks will be provided at the audition):
- Billie's Bounce (Aebersold, Vol. 6, Track 1), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
- There Will Never Be Another You (Abersold, Vol. 15, Track 2), play one chorus of melody and improvise a minimum of two choruses.
Sight-reading: Required
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If available, the prospective student will have an opportunity to demonstrate the above skills in a performance situation with either a large or small jazz ensemble. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, contact Randy Zimmerman (rez5@txstate.edu)
Scales: Major scales in all keys; Jazz scales
Chord knowledge: Maj7, min7, dominant7 all keys
Solos/Improvisation: Incoming freshmen must be prepared to perform the head and improvise ONE of the following four styles. Transfer students must be prepared to perform the head and improvise from at least TWO the following four styles:
- One jazz blues in a standard key (F or Bb, not C).
- One jazz ballad (to illustrate your lyrical melodic style).
- One Latin/Jazz or Jazz/Funk, straight-eighth tune
- One medium tempo jazz standard
Sight reading: melody and chord symbols
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, contact Prof. Hank Hehmsoth (hh09@txstate.edu).
Scales: Major scales and blues scale through full available range in a minimum of two positions. Note: There are, with minor variations, five single-position fingerings for each scale. When scales are played diagonally up and down the guitar neck 12 or more fingerings are possible in any given key depending on position and register. Therefore, no diagonally fingered scales are required for the audition. Contact Carter Arrington (see below) for PDF copies of the five single-position major and blues scale fingerings.
Chord knowledge: Show at least two fingerings for any of the common 7th or 9th chords. For example, you should know at least two fingerings for each of the following: maj7, mi7, mi7b5, 7, mi(maj7), dim7, maj9, mi9, 9, 7b9, 7#9, etc.
Melody/Improvisation: You will be expected to play the melody and demonstrate improvisational skills over a jazz standard based on II_V_I progressions (ex. Autumn Leaves, Blue Bossa, or Satin Doll), a blues progression, and a tune of your choosing.
Accompaniment: You will be expected to demonstrate several styles of accompaniment including swing, bossa nova, and a style of your choosing.
Solo: Play a chord-melody arrangement of a jazz standard for solo guitar.
Sight reading: melody and chord changes from a lead sheet
Other: If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, or to obtain the PDF scales, contact Carter Arrington (tjx12@txstate.edu).
Double Bass
Prospective bass majors must audition on double-bass, as this will be your main instrument of study. Electric bass auditions must be approved in advance by Dr. Hamrick (see below).
Etude/Solo: Demonstrate Jazz Style by performing one of the etudes below or a solo transcription (transcriptions must be approved in advance).
- Etudes from 60 Melodic Etudes by John Patitucci (Carl Fisher): Major (C, F, or Eb); Mixolydian (Bb or G)
- Scales and arpeggios: two-octaves, major and minor.
Improvisation: Students must demonstrate improvisational skills by performing ONE chorus of melody, TWO improvised choruses, and creating a "walking" bass line on the following two selections:
- Blues in F or Bb, Aebersold, Vol. 54, Tracks 3 or 10
- "There Will Never Be Another You," Aebersold, Vol. 15, Track 2
Sight-reading: Required
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If available, they will have an opportunity to demonstrate the above skills in a performance situation with either a large or small jazz ensemble. If you have any questions regarding the audition repertoire requirements, or the jazz area, contact Dr. Utah Hamrick (ulh1@txstate.edu).
Drum Set
Jazz drum set auditions consist of the applicant being able to demonstrate rhythmic and “groove” competency in the following musical styles:
- 4/4 swing at a variety of tempos
- Funk and rock styles at a variety of tempos
- Various Latin rhythms i.e. samba, etc.
Skills: In addition to the above, the following skills will be assessed:
- Music reading ability
- Brush technique
- Knowledge of form and repertoire
- “Trading Fours”
- “Call and Response”: ability in drum set patterns and ear exercises (i.e., hearing a phrase and playing it back)
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If available, they will have an opportunity to demonstrate the above skills in a performance situation with either a large or small jazz ensemble. If you have any questions about the jazz drum set audition requirements, contact Mr. Arthur Latin (al26099@txstate.edu).
Percussionists applying for the SRT degree plan may audition on Drum Set or on classical percussion instruments (see the Percussion tab under the Classical Degree Audition Requirements).
Note: If a student completes a classical percussion audition and is accepted into the SRT program, their applied lessons will be exclusively on Drum Set. We recommend you contact Mr. Arthur Latin (see above) for resources/guidance before the semester begins.
Drum Set (SRT Only)
Prospective SRT drum set players will audition for Arthur Latin and two other rhythm section faculty. SRT drum set auditions consist of the applicant being able to demonstrate rhythmic and “groove” competency in the following musical styles:
- 4/4 swing at a variety of tempos
- Funk and rock styles at a variety of tempos
- And/or various Latin rhythms i.e. samba, etc.
Skills: In addition to the above, the following skills will be assessed:
- Music reading ability
- Knowledge of form and repertoire
Other: The prospective student should be prepared to discuss previous performance experience, teachers, and method books used in study. If you have any questions about the SRT drum set audition requirements, contact Mr. Arthur Latin (al26099@txstate.edu).
Percussionists applying for the SRT degree plan may audition on Drum Set or on classical percussion instruments (see the Percussion tab under the Classical Degree Audition Requirements).
Note: If a student completes a classical percussion audition and is accepted into the SRT program, their applied lessons will be exclusively on Drum Set. We recommend you contact Mr. Arthur Latin (see above) for resources/guidance before the semester begins.
- Admission to the School of Music is contingent on admission to the University via the ApplyTexas application. Select pre-music on the ApplyTexas Application as the desired degree plan.
- Any prospective music student who is unable to audition in person due to geographic distance from Texas State (out-of-state or international) may submit a video(s) of the required repertoire for their instrument or voice part, representative of their performing abilities (see above) with their Acceptd application.
- Admission will be based upon the students audition and available space in each studio. A successful audition does not automatically ensure acceptance to the University or the School of Music.
- Prospective music majors will not be permitted to enroll in applied music and other music majors classes until acceptance is granted via a performance audition.