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Course Offerings / Registration

Registration for our 2024-25 beginner programs is closed.

If your student has at least one year of string playing experience and would like to join our current program in progress, please email

Continuing students, please click here to register for the Spring 2025 semester.

We will start a new cohort of beginning students in Fall 2025. To receive priority for enrollment, please join our waiting list here.

Bobcat Beginners

Beginning Classes are for students with no prior string playing experience. Students participate in weekly classes where they are introduced to everything from the basics of music to the fundamentals of good string instrument technique on their chosen instrument: violin, viola, cello, or bass (grade 3 and up). Students are placed into the appropriate beginning-level class on the basis of age or grade level.

BEGINNING ENSEMBLES: Suzuki-style classes for students in grades K-2. These small, like-instrument group classes emphasize strong fundamentals, ear training and listening skills, and performing from memory, and provide an introduction to musical literacy (reading notes and rhythms).

BEGINNING ORCHESTRA: String orchestra class for students in grades 3+. This is a larger mixed-instrument class, much like a student would experience in a public school orchestra program, emphasizing strong fundamentals, reading, and ensemble performance skills. 

Maroon Classes

The Maroon Ensemble and Orchestra classes are for students with 1-2 years of playing experience. Students build basic musicianship, instrumental technique, individual performance, and ensemble skills in weekly group classes and individual private lessons.

Students are placed into the appropriate Maroon-level class on the basis of performance advancement and reading skills:

MAROON BOBCATS (Suzuki Ensemble): These small group classes emphasize performing from memory and developing musical literacy skills (reading notes and rhythms.)

MAROON ORCHESTRA (String Orchestra): This is a larger mixed-instrument class like a student would experience in a public school orchestra program, emphasizing strong reading and ensemble performance skills. 

Gold Orchestra

The Gold Orchestra class is for students with 3+ years of playing experience. Students build musicianship, instrumental technique, individual performance, and ensemble skills in weekly ability-based, mixed-instrument orchestra classes and private lessons. Students are placed into Gold Orchestra on the basis of advancing performance skills.

Full Program Tuition

Beginning and Maroon-level classes:
Registration for the full String Project program is $240/semester (or $440/year if paid in fall) and includes TWELVE (12) weekly group classes plus TEN (10) weekly half-hour (30-minute) private lessons.

Gold Orchestra:
Registration for the full String Project program is $280/semester (or $520/year if paid in fall) and includes TWELVE (12) weekly group classes plus TEN (10) weekly 45-minute private lessons.

Private Lessons Only

The Private Lesson Program is for students who do not wish to participate in group technique courses or orchestra classes, but would like to receive a weekly private lesson on their instrument. You may select a 30-minute or 45-minute lesson. Advanced students with 3+ years of experience may select a 60-minute lesson.


Tuition for private lessons is paid by the semester.

10 – 30-minute lessons = $160 (One lesson per week for 10 weeks)
10 – 45-minute lessons = $210 (One lesson per week for 10 weeks)
10 – 60-minute lessons = $260 (One lesson per week for 10 weeks)

On Campus Parking

On campus parking is limited and requires a valid Texas State parking permit on Monday through Friday. Texas State Parking Services offers a purple commuter permit for community members who need to park on campus after regular school or business hours. The fee is $115 for the calendar year (August 2023 – August 2024). Although this seems like a lot, it averages out about half the cost of per-visit parking using the $5 pay and display kiosk in the Pleasant Street Garage. 

To purchase a parking permit, parents must visit the Texas State Parking Services in the Mathews Street Garage, (202 Student Center Drive), during their business hours and purchase directly from them. You will need to have your license plate number, driver license number and $115 payment with you and be sure to request a purple parking pass. For more information, please contact Parking Services at 512-245-2887 or visit