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Upper Level Review

Music Studies Upper Level Review

The Music Studies Upper Level Review is a progress review designed to ensure that music education majors are on track to meeting the requirements of their degree program and demonstrating potential as future music educators as they begin their upper level coursework. Typically, this process is completed during students 4th academic semester. Students are required to complete all elements of the process and meet the minimum requirements for the degree program to proceed as music studies majors.

Music Studies Upper Level Review Minimum Requirements: 

  • GPA Requirement 2.75 overall
  • Music Theory I, II, III & Tonal Proficiency Exam
  • Aural Skills I, II, III
  • Piano Techniques
    • Band Concentration (I)
    • Choral Concentration (I, II, III)
    • String Concentration (I & II)
    • Mariachi Concentration (I & II)
  • Applied Instrument Upper Level Performance Jury
  • Department Recital (3 Semesters)
  • Major Ensembles (4 Semesters)*
  • Foundations of Music Education 

*Note: Marching Band is only considered a major ensemble during the first semester at Texas State.

**Transfer Students are only required to have completed one semester of department recital. The Music Studies Upper Level Review Committee may allow transfer students to register for upper level courses on a probationary status with an approved plan.

Music Studies Upper Level Review Process

  • Week 3/4 – Students who should complete their upper level review process receive an invite from the Chair of the Music Studies Upper Level Review Committee to join the Upper Level Review Canvas Course.
  • Week 14 – Students submit their tentative registration for the next semester, sign up for an interview time, and complete the informational questionnaire.
  • Week 16 – Students complete individual interviews with members of the Music Studies Upper Level Review Committee.
  • Within 2 weeks of the last day of finals, students receive an email notification that includes a letter outlining the Music Studies Upper Level Review Committee’s decision.
    • Decision Options:
    • Pass – The student meets all minimum expectations and successfully completed the process. The student is allowed to proceed in the Music Studies Degree Program.
    • Defer – The student does not meet all minimum requirements and/or failed to successfully complete the process. As part of the decision letter, the student is provided with a clear outline of the missing requirements. Students who successfully complete these requirements are then allowed to proceed in the Music Studies Degree Program.
    • Fail – The student does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements and is not likely to meet the requirements in a timely manner OR the student has not met the requirements outlined in their deferral letter. Students who receive failure letters must change their majors. Students may choose to appeal a failure decision. 

*Note. The Music Studies ULCR Committee members will consider the Dispositions for the Teaching Profession and faculty recommendations in making their final decisions on each student's Upper-Level results. 

Students in teacher certification programs are pre-service teacher candidates who are expected to exhibit professional dispositions and behaviors that are appropriate to the school environment and that support learners' academic success. These dispositions and behaviors include professional attitudes, values, and beliefs demonstrated through both verbal and non-verbal behaviors as candidates interact with students, families, colleagues, and communities.

A candidate who does not meet the expectations for the behaviors and dispositions for the teaching profession will be identified by a professor, supervisor, cooperating teacher, or principal and will meet with an administrator in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and/or the Office of Educator Preparation to discuss the case. If further action is necessary, the candidate's case will be reviewed by the chair of the appropriate department with input from faculty, as appropriate, to determine eligibility for the Educator Preparation Program. Appeals regarding the candidate's eligibility should be made to the Dean of the College of Education whose decision is final.