Dr. Eric Thompson
Staff Accompanist
A native of San Antonio, Eric Thompson began his music studies at the age of 7, taking piano lessons with Thelma Gonzalez for several years. At the age of 14, Eric began taking piano lessons with his future UTSA piano professor, Dr. Janice K. Hodges. He completed his Bachelor of Music degree from The University of Texas at San Antonio with Valeri Grokhovski. While working in the San Antonio area as a collaborative and solo pianist, he earned his Master’s and Doctoral degrees from The University of Texas at Austin, where he studied with Gregory Allen. He has participated in master classes with such notable musicians as Maurice Hinson, William Doppmann, Alexander Toradze, Philippe Entremont, Jeffrey Swann and the renowned critic and author, Harold Schonberg. Dr. Thompson has appeared as soloist with the San Antonio Symphony, Brazos Valley Symphony, Mid-Texas Symphony, University of Texas Orchestra and Austin Civic Orchestra. He has worked in the San Antonio area as a freelance pianist for more than 20 years. He spent many years as an accompanist for the San Antonio Boys Choir, San Antonio Choral Society and St. Brigid’s Catholic Church. Dr. Thompson has been employed as Staff Accompanist at Texas State University since 2006, where his duties include playing for the choirs, the opera theater, and various student degree recitals throughout the year. He is also pianist and director of the Traditional Choir at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Selma, Texas, where he has been employed since 2000. Dr. Eric Thompson currently resides in New Braunfels with his wife, Valerie, and their two daughters.