La Curandera (2019)
Texas State Presents La Curandera by Robert Xavier Rodriguez
"La Curandera" tells the story of a comedy of errors that starts by Alberto traveling with his fiancee Alba to meet his Grandfather before their wedding. As they board the plane Alberto gets a mysterious phone call from a woman speaking "all in spanish" which Alba can't understand.... but "she sounds pretty".
Production Information

Susanna: Mackenzie Bitz‡, Keeley Hooker†
Figaro: Jordan Van de Vere
Countess: Courtney Katzmeyer‡, Kimberly Sandoval†
Count: Micah Parker
Cherubino: Abigail Diltz†, Bailey Galindo‡
Dr. Bartolo: De’Evin Johnson†, Esai Medina‡
Marcellina: Cambrey Willhelm
Don Basilio: Marvin Henderson
Don Curzio: Francis Nieves
Antonio: Joshua Meza‡, Alex Vanderpot†
Barbarina: Martha Rose Hayes†, Emily Thomasson‡
Ensemble: Elizabeth Adams, Anna Balan, Bailey Galindo, Audrey Harris, Martha Rose Hayes, Kyle Lopez, Mackenzie Miller, Paul Nix, Andres Ojeda, Caleb Rech, Victoria Tafolla, Gabby Wall, Cassidy Wallace, Bradley Whitten
†Thursday and Saturday, ‡Friday and Sunday
Photo credit: Tony Galindo
Production Photos
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